CARE BOXES is our new way to love on Grey Bruce. It is a simple way to encourage those around us, especially as life hasn't always been kind or easy. Care Boxes are a tangible way for us to stretch out a hand to those around us: our families, our friends and our neighbours. Our desire is that these boxes would provide encouragement, support and joy. See below for more details.
We also run a Sharing Storehouse Ministry that is funded by generous hearts like you. It is an opportunity for us to help those in need of a lift in life: whether it's a few groceries, help with budgeting, or other practical needs, Rockcliffe is not just a church in the community BUT we are a Church for the community. We know life isn't fair but we do believe we are better together. To find out more about how you can help or be helped - Call for more details (519) 376-1284.