To look at Christ's invitation, we'll be using a verse that clearly lays out what it means to be a follower of Christ. It's Luke 9:23, and it reads, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me."
Define what it means to be ALL-IN (totally committed to Jesus) - Luke 14:26
What do you love? If you don't know what it is you love, just think about what you spend your money and your time on. (John 21:15; Matt. 6:21)
Challenge: Most of the time we are so busy, we never stop to examine where our allegiance is. Many of us would say Jesus has complete control of our heart, but is that really true? Are there relationships we won't break for him, habits we refuse to stop, or priorities that trump His? If we were brutally honest, most of us would say He owns a drawer, but we control the dresser and what is placed in it. It might be a big drawer, or it could be a small drawer. It might be near the top, or shuffled to the bottom. He wants to be the dresser. Today, will you choose to be all in, will you allow Jesus to be over all, will you love Him more than anything else?
- Are there things in your life that compete with your allegiance to Jesus?
- When it comes to truly following Jesus, have you ever thought about what it will cost you?
- Are you robbing Jesus of all he wants to do with and through you because you are only stepping in with your toes, but are not all in?
- Imagine if these things were only done "half-way". What would be the result?
War - Race - Brake Job - Homework - Test - Being Faithful - Building a House - Surgery - Following Jesus - What would you say is most important in your life? How would you know this is the most important thing?
Further Readings: James 1:2-8, Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:14, 1Timothy 6:10