Happy Hearts has a program for school aged children. Happy Hearts also provides a before and after school program, full day care for PD Days, March Break and Summer. This program is run out of the gym within our building as well as a classroom for kindergarten aged children.
Happy Hearts has buses to the following schools: East Ridge, Hillcrest, St. Basils, Notre Dame, and St. Dominique Savio at this time.
Our Before and After School program opens at 6:30am and the final bus leaves the daycare centre around 8:45am. Most buses return to the daycare centre dropping the children off at 3:20pm. The After School program closes at 5:30pm. The children go outside in the morning prior to the buses arriving and in the afternoon split into smaller groups for outdoor time and programming.
Our Before and After School program is run by the same staff. We do encourage children to eat prior to coming in the morning or bring a nut free breakast with them. If your child requires a nutritious snack in the morning it will be available. A prepared snack will be provided after school.
Full Day programs include a morning snack, afternoon snack and does not include lunch. It is recommended that parents provide a labeled lunch bag, labeled containers and a refillable water bottle.